Portfolio Statement is the main financial report which contains all transactions related to a particular trading account, including: settled and unsettled trading profits/losses per instrument, charged commissions and fees, overnight rollovers, currency exchanges, deposits/withdrawals, accrued adjustments and other account balance transactions.
All other trading financial reports (such as Position Report, Consolidated Report etc.) are based on information from the Portfolio Statement.
In case of any discrepancies the Portfolio Statement shall be taken as reference. A trading day in Portfolio Statement Summary is defined as the period between two trading settlements (21:00:00 GMT summer time, and 22:00:00 GMT winter time).
Transaction timestamp in Portfolio Statement represents the time when a transaction was recorded in the database and is considered as reference for financial calculations.
Due to the fact that the execution process is independent from the recording process it is possible in some cases that the timestamp of a trade does not fully match its execution time.